Mala (rosary beads)
Brand new range now available in shop.
- Prayer Flags – various sizes in plain 'cotton' and 'silk'.
- Thangkas – original handpainted and prints of Tibetan deities in brocade mounts.
- Brocade jackets and shirts
- Door hangings
- Brocade book covers
- and many other items that come and go.
The shop is in the room behind the shrine - have a look next time you are visiting. If you live outside of Nelson and are interested in anything, contact: [email protected]
Mind Training Cards

We now have a new stock of boxed sets of the LoJong – Mind Training – aphorisms. All 59 sayings appear on individual cards with a brief explanatory commentary. (Card size is 7 x 7 cm. approx.) The enclosing box unfolds to show a brief introduction to the cards and how to use them. A wonderful way to bring these profound and practical contemplations into your living practice.
$20 per set from the Centre or contact: [email protected] to arrange set(s) to be mailed to you. ($5 p&p per set in NZ)